Category Archives: Omnia.11 Presets

Using G-Force presets designed before version 3.5

Presets designed to operate with the original Omnia.11 clipper (pre-version 3.5), the presets were tweaked around the “brightness density” of the old clipper.  This “brightness” of the older clipper comes from the way high frequency distortion products were handled.    The newer clipper produces very little of these products, and as a result, sounds much “smoother”.  Some may perceive this this smoothness as a “duller” sound.

Fortunately, there are a couple of tricks to do right away to bring back some of the effect…albeit with MUCH cleaner results than the old clipper! Continue reading Using G-Force presets designed before version 3.5

Cornelius Gould Omnia.11 G-Force presets for Urban AC / Urban / CHR / Pop Music Leaning formats

Urban / Urban AC presets

These presets are designed for Urban / Urban AC / Pop Music / CHR.  They feature a distinctive low-end (bass) character, and a mellow sounding high end (treble).

These presets will ONLY work in G-Force, and will only sound correctly when used with G-Force  version 3.5(75) or higher.   Continue reading Cornelius Gould Omnia.11 G-Force presets for Urban AC / Urban / CHR / Pop Music Leaning formats

Cornelius Gould Omnia.11 G-Force Hot / CHR / Urban Leaning presets

Omnia.11 G-Force version 3.5 Hot / CHR / Urban Leaning presets

Here are a few presets initially designed around Hot Pop music formats, and will also work well with other formats as well.

Because of the bass texture, these presets make great candidates for Urban or Urban leaning formats as well!   These presets will ONLY work in G-Force, and will only sound correctly when used with G-Force  version 3.5(75) or higher.   Continue reading Cornelius Gould Omnia.11 G-Force Hot / CHR / Urban Leaning presets

Tweaking Omnia.11 G-Force presets


In general, I design presets to have some sort of a “middle ground” sound.  Not too much high or low end, and not too little.   Exactly what that means is highly subjective.

With the above in mind, there are several options to allow end users to tailor the sound of a preset to their tastes, or to the tastes of the market they are in.

These suggestions apply only to the G-Force (blue design screen) versions of the Omnia.11, not the “Orange Screen” design version! Continue reading Tweaking Omnia.11 G-Force presets

Cornelius Gould (CG) Omnia.11 G-Force Rock / Adult Alternative Music Presets.

Omnia.11 G-Force version 3.5 Rock / AAA / AC presets

Here are a few presets initially designed around Triple-A (AAA) / Alternative music formats, and will also work well with Rock, AC, and Country Music formats.   These will ONLY work in G-Force, and will only sound correctly when used with G-Force  version 3.5(75) or higher.  These presets are NOT “over the top loud”, though they will let the “impact” through when music density naturally intensifies. Continue reading Cornelius Gould (CG) Omnia.11 G-Force Rock / Adult Alternative Music Presets.