Pardon the dust…
+Welcome to my website!

I’m Cornelius Gould, Audio processing nerd, and the inventor of The Audio Chameleon line of audio processors.
My journey into audio electronics began as a kid, building my own broadcast station in my mom’s basement. Hand built mixer, transmitter, and audio processing. During High School, my techniques improved to the point where my station sounded just as good as any professional station on the dial.
While attending two-year college, my Radio Engineering skills caught the attention of the staff at WNCX / WERE. I was hired on in 1988 as a maintenance engineer for WERE. After proving my skills, my responsibilities included the technical operations & maintenance of WNCX radio as well.
It was during this transition that the foundations of what would be my philosophy of audio processing were being built.
In 1996, I left WNCX / WERE / WENZ radio to work for Telos Systems as Customer Support Engineer. While there, I learned a great deal of things about Audio Processing using DSP code, Audio Codecs (such as the MPEG family of codecs, including .mp3 and AAC). It was an intense learning experience!
I got to do a lot of neat things while at Telos, such as help the technical staff involved with MTV’s “The Real World” reality series come up with a better way to record the phone calls of the members of the “Real World” household, Travel to NYC to put together a custom phone audio management solution for the Howard Stern Show, Work with engineers at CNN to develop ways of getting audio back from far out places where news breaks, and so on.
In 2000, I left to be involved with a few Internet Radio related projects until the “dot com bubble” “popped”.
It was my fortune that at that time, CBS Radio was completing the purchase of stations in Cleveland, OH, and were staffing these new stations.
WNCX 98.5, WQAL 104.1, WZJM (92.3), and WDOK 102.1FM became their newly formed Cleveland, Ohio radio cluster. I was hired on as Sr. Staff Engineer, my primary daily responsibilities were the technical operations and maintenance of WNCX /98.5, and WZJM / 92.3 Radio.
I was also assigned to occasionally travel to other CBS stations in our region (Detroit, Chicago) from time to time to lend a hand when needed.
During all of this, my biggest passion in broadcast technology was Audio Processing!
In November, 2006, I upgraded my “audio processing workshop” to develop new ideas in the Digital domain!
In 2008, the Digital Signal Processing work I was doing in my workshop led to an opportunity to re-join Frank Foti at Omnia Audio as R&D engineer for new Omnia Products. Together, we developed the Omnia.11 FM Broadcast Audio Processor, and its sister processor, the Omnia.Volt.
It was great traveling the world, and getting to meet people from all over as a result of the Omnia projects!
In 2018, I was presented with an opportunity to work for Futuri Media as VP of R&D and Innovation.
During COVID shutdowns, I was able to FINALLY port my Audio Chameleon audio processing and algorithms to DSP.
2021, I joined Angry Audio, LLC as Audio Processing Architect, and with that, I was able to start bringing my Audio Chameleon audio processing project to life!
I’m also doing Technical Consulting work for some Broadcast and New Media outlets under my company Legato Communications LLC
Interesting fact:
I am an avid amateur rocketry enthusiast, launching small scale rockets, which features on-board flight computers with telemetry capabilities – all of which are designed and built by me using surface mount components, and custom designed PC boards.